What's Duo-Coaching?

Beyond LimitsĀ Empowerment Coaching Blogs

Cultivating Strength & Resilience.

The HIDDEN Burden We Must Lay Down May 09, 2024

In the quiet corners of professional corridors and the silent pauses in our everyday conversations, there exists a pervasive and insidious force that affects countless women. It's not often discussed at networking events or during coffee breaks. It's a deeply personal, often painful issue that I...

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When Will It Be My Turn? - Reflections by a Man of God Jan 30, 2024

“Who am I that sometimes others seem to have the upper hand or act like I'm better than someone else in life than I am?”

“Am I good enough?”

“Why is my skill set not comparable to those that I admire?”

“Why am I not like him or her?”


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Unlocking Your Best Life: Embrace Authenticity for a Radiant Transformation personal development Jan 11, 2024

Welcome to a journey where authenticity transcends being just a word, transforming into a profound key that unlocks a life of fulfillment. I want to challenge you to remember when you dared to be your true self, unapologetically embracing your essence. Remember the sheer liberation, joy, and...

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God Needs a Selfish Believer in 2024 lifestyle and wellness personal development self-improvement Jan 06, 2024

No one likes to be called selfish or to be thought of as selfish. That label is a death sentence. It ruins marriages, ends friendships, creates wars among neighbors, and leads to fights among siblings. In Christianity - the religion I was brought up in - selfishness is seen as the devil's work,...

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Unfamiliar Hope Apr 13, 2023

The hour was moving fast. Georgia had only a few minutes left to get from her desk to her car and drive to her appointment. She was going to be late...again. Despite her pre-planning efforts, Georgia could never seem to get to this appointment on time. She didn't have trouble getting to other...

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Authenticity is Food for the Soul Sep 04, 2022

Difficulties confront us on a daily basis. When we don’t know how to deal with them, we may put on a front that all is well when all really isn’t. 

We pretend. 

We hide. 

We shut ourselves off from others.

What we most need to do in difficult situations is make a...

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Inspiring the Minds of Men Blog: A Masculine Journey Aug 26, 2022

I often wonder, “Who am I, when others seem to have the upper hand or act like I am better than them in life?”

“Am I good enough?”

“Why are my skills not comparable to those I admire?”

“What makes me different from him or her?”

“When will I...

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Words of Wisdom from My Therapist Aug 12, 2022

Written by Renai Ellison, Ed.D.

Over the years, a handful of incredible individuals have proven to me that support and loyalty come in all different shapes, sizes, and colors.  I can count on one hand and have fingers remaining when I think of the people in my life who have a hardcore,...

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Always Think Again Empowerment Coaching
Self-Expression: The Real You We Want to See
Self-Expression: The Real You We Want to See Apr 07, 2022

"People are like pieces of art. So, self-expression is like an art gallery."

- The Master Philosopher

Self-expression is the act that lowers your stress and elevates your self-worth.

Hiding who you really are is stressful and dulls your sense of purpose and joy.

The big fat secret is...

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When You Want to Matter More to the Guy Than to God Aug 28, 2021
Many women want to matter more to the guy (spouse, boyfriend, imaginary lover, potential lover) that to God.
When you want to matter more to the guy than to God you are not alone. That's the first point. So take a deep breath and relax if the title of this blog makes you feel...
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You Already Have Enough to Conquer the Giant Standing in the Way of Your Dreams Aug 27, 2021
You already have enough to conquer the giant standing in the way of your dreams or goals.
Check out the story of David and Goliath. Then let's apply a lesson in the story to your life. The story picks up where David is on his way to the battleground to take his brothers some...
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God Says Your "Little" Is Enough" Aug 27, 2021
If you only have a little to give to God, your "little" is enough. Consider the story of Elijah and the widow (1 Kings 17:8-16). The story occurs during a drought. God instructs Elijah to go to a place called Zarephath where Elijah will find a widow. Notices the number of times the word...
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